Source code for compmusic.dunya.hindustani

import logging
import os

logger = logging.getLogger("dunya")

import compmusic.dunya.conn
import compmusic.dunya.docserver


[docs]def set_collections(collections): """ Set a list of collections mbid to restrict the queries. You must call this before you can make any other calls, otherwise they won't be restricted. :param collections: list of collections mbids """ global COLLECTIONS if not isinstance(collections, list): raise ValueError('`collections` must be a list') COLLECTIONS = collections
def _get_collections(): extra_headers = None if COLLECTIONS: extra_headers = {} extra_headers['Dunya-Collection'] = ','.join(COLLECTIONS) return extra_headers
[docs]def get_recordings(recording_detail=False): """ Get a list of hindustani recordings in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :param recording_detail: if True, return full details for each recording like :func:`get_recording` :returns: A list of dictionaries containing recording information:: {"mbid": MusicBrainz recording ID, "title": Title of the recording} For additional information about each recording use :func:`get_recording`. """ extra_headers = _get_collections() args = {} if recording_detail: args['detail'] = '1' return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/recording", extra_headers=extra_headers, **args)
[docs]def get_recording(rmbid): """ Get specific information about a recording. :param rmbid: A recording mbid :returns: mbid, title, artists, raags, taals, layas, forms and works. ``artists`` include performance relationships attached to the recording, the release, and the release artists. """ extra_headers = _get_collections() return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/recording/%s" % rmbid, extra_headers=extra_headers)
[docs]def get_artists(): """ Get a list of Hindustani artists in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing artist information:: {"mbid": MusicBrainz artist ID, "name": Name of the artist} For additional information about each artist use :func:`get_artist`. """ extra_headers = _get_collections() return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/artist", extra_headers=extra_headers)
[docs]def get_artist(ambid): """ Get specific information about an artist. :param ambid: An artist mbid :returns: mbid, name, releases, instruments, recordings ``releases``, ``instruments`` and ``recordings`` include information from recording- and release-level relationships, as well as release artists """ extra_headers = _get_collections() return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/artist/%s" % ambid, extra_headers=extra_headers)
[docs]def get_releases(): """ Get a list of Hindustani releases in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing release information:: {"mbid": MusicBrainz release ID, "title": title of the release} For additional information about each release use :func:`get_release`. """ extra_headers = _get_collections() return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/release", extra_headers=extra_headers)
[docs]def get_release(cmbid): """ Get specific information about a release. :param cmbid: A release mbid :returns: mbid, title, artists, tracks, release artists ``artists`` includes performance relationships attached to the recordings, the release, and the release artists. """ extra_headers = _get_collections() return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/release/%s" % cmbid, extra_headers=extra_headers)
[docs]def get_works(): """ Get a list of Hindustani works in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing work information:: {"mbid": MusicBrainz work ID, "name": work name} For additional information about each work use :func:`get_work`. """ extra_headers = _get_collections() return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/work", extra_headers=extra_headers)
[docs]def get_work(wmbid): """ Get specific information about a work. :param wmbid: A work mbid :returns: mbid, title, recordings """ extra_headers = _get_collections() return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/work/%s" % wmbid, extra_headers=extra_headers)
[docs]def get_raags(): """ Get a list of Hindustani raags in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing raag information:: {"uuid": raag uuid, "name": name of the raag} For additional information about each raag use :func:`get_raag`. """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/raag")
[docs]def get_raag(rid): """ Get specific information about a raag. :param rid: A raag id or uuid :returns: uuid, name, artists, recordings, composers ``artists`` includes artists with recording-level relationships to a recording with this raag """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/raag/%s" % str(rid))
[docs]def get_taals(): """ Get a list of Hindustani taals in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing taal information:: {"uuid": taal uuid, "name": name of the taal} For additional information about each taal use :func:`get_taal`. """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/taal")
[docs]def get_taal(tid): """ Get specific information about a taal. :param tid: A taal id or uuid :returns: uuid, name, recordings, composers """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/taal/%s" % str(tid))
[docs]def get_layas(): """ Get a list of Hindustani layas in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing laya information:: {"id": laya id, "name": name of the laya} For additional information about each laya use :func:`get_laya`. """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/laya")
[docs]def get_laya(lid): """ Get specific information about a laya. :param lid: A laya id or uuid :returns: id, name, recordings """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/laya/%s" % str(lid))
[docs]def get_forms(): """ Get a list of Hindustani forms in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing form information:: {"uuid": form uuid, "name": name of the form} For additional information about each form use :func:`get_form` """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/form")
[docs]def get_form(fid): """ Get specific information about a form. :param fid: A form id or uuid :returns: uuid, name, artists, recordings. ``artists`` includes artists with recording- and release- level relationships to a recording with this form """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/form/%s" % str(fid))
[docs]def get_instruments(): """ Get a list of Hindustani instruments in the database. This function will automatically page through API results. :returns: A list of dictionaries containing instrument information:: {"id": instrument id, "name": Name of the instrument} For additional information about each instrument use :func:`get_instrument` """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._get_paged_json("api/hindustani/instrument")
[docs]def get_instrument(iid): """ Get specific information about an instrument. :param iid: An instrument id :returns: id, name, artists ``artists`` includes artists with recording- and release- level performance relationships of this instrument. """ return compmusic.dunya.conn._dunya_query_json("api/hindustani/instrument/%s" % str(iid))
[docs]def download_mp3(recordingid, location): """Download the mp3 of a document and save it to the specificed directory. :param recordingid: The MBID of the recording :param location: Where to save the mp3 to """ if not os.path.exists(location): raise Exception("Location %s doesn't exist; can't save" % location) recording = get_recording(recordingid) release = get_release(recording["release"][0]["mbid"]) title = recording["title"] artists = " and ".join([a["name"] for a in release["release_artists"]]) contents = compmusic.dunya.docserver.get_mp3(recordingid) name = "%s - %s.mp3" % (artists, title) name = name.replace("/", "-") path = os.path.join(location, name) open(path, "wb").write(contents) return name
[docs]def download_release(release_id, location): """Download the mp3s of all recordings in a release and save them to the specificed directory. :param release_id: The MBID of the release :param location: Where to save the mp3s to """ if not os.path.exists(location): raise Exception("Location %s doesn't exist; can't save" % location) release = get_release(release_id) artists = " and ".join([a["name"] for a in release["release_artists"]]) releasename = release["title"] releasedir = "%s - %s" % (artists, releasename) releasedir = releasedir.replace("/", "-") releasedir = os.path.join(location, releasedir) for r in release["tracks"]: rid = r["mbid"] title = r["title"] contents = compmusic.dunya.docserver.get_mp3(rid) name = "%s - %s.mp3" % (artists, title) path = os.path.join(releasedir, name) open(path, "wb").write(contents)